Wednesday, January 28, 2009

A hot cup of tea sooths all ills

It's very hard to work when you're sleepy. I'm sleepy because of the hot nights and the mind-numbing-spreadsheet-work I'm currently doing. The auditors are here and they're busting everyone's balls and I have so many reconciliations to update it's not even funny. So I'm taking a time out to have a nice hot cup of tea to return to reality.

...I'm booked and ready to go! My mate Kat from New Zealand comes to Melbourne on the 19th May and we travel together to the Gold Coast for whats turning out to be a yearly reunion of travelling buddies! I'm pretty psyched, I haven't seen Kat since Mexico and we were all about the sights. This trip will just be about the sun, the booze and the dancing. The way holidays should be!


Kellee January 28, 2009 at 4:09 PM  

I've been feeling sorry for you all week :) is the heat as bad as the forecasts predicted??

And yay for the Gold Coast :) it's such a good feeling having a holiday booked to look forward to.

Sarah January 28, 2009 at 4:25 PM  

Yeah, it's 42 degress out there at the moment and no sign of letting up. All the trains are stuffed up too, heat restictions for the expanding tracks. So when it gets hot, Melbourne shuts down!


About This Blog

I travel. I travel a lot really. I want to see and experience it all. Everything I do and most thoughts I have is geared towards my next trip. I live in Geelong, a nice little town on the fringe of the surf coast in Victoria, Australia and I make the daily commute to Melbourne for work. All my of my bestest, most loved friends live interstate and overseas, so this blog is just another way of interacting and making this world feel smaller and ultimately closer to my mates.

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