Thursday, February 5, 2009

January Round-up

I love that I'm going to get a cash hand out from Uncle Kevin, I have a couple of ways I could spend it...

- put it toward a new laptop
- put it towards a plane ticket to somewhere or
- spend the lot on alcohol

I'll make up my mind when I find out how much I'll actually get. I really shouldn't get should be going to those who really need it like single income families and the homeless, but I'm not going to say no to a government handout!

#35 DO NOT buy anything I don't need...

This is really hard! There are so many things I want to buy...crappy incidental stuff like a new bed spread or a new bed or a snow board. none of these I actually need (especially since I can't snowboard, it's 24 degrees outside and the nearest snow is in New Zealand). But I want them. So far, this had been the hardest task to stay on the right side of. The second half of the task, (above mentioned excluded), does allow me to spend money...

# 22 Buy an external drive for backup

So last Saturday I ventured to the shops for a third time and picked up a swanky external hard drive for storage. I've wanted one for ages because my laptop is on it's last legs. I didn't want to tempt fate by not having one and losing all my wonderful photos! Now I just have to backup all my stuff!

January Round-up

I have actually done a lot for my first month, 3 crossed off and a few underway! very impressed with myself!


Kellee February 6, 2009 at 7:52 AM  

I'm very impressed with you too. I'm excited about the potential handout too...just hope Uncle Malcom doens't mess up the fun for everyone. For me, it's roof racks & maybe a sat nav for the car :)


About This Blog

I travel. I travel a lot really. I want to see and experience it all. Everything I do and most thoughts I have is geared towards my next trip. I live in Geelong, a nice little town on the fringe of the surf coast in Victoria, Australia and I make the daily commute to Melbourne for work. All my of my bestest, most loved friends live interstate and overseas, so this blog is just another way of interacting and making this world feel smaller and ultimately closer to my mates.

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