Sunday, June 14, 2009

# 93. Watch 10 Classic Movies: Psycho

Psycho. Boy was it Psycho! So according to my parents it was doozy of a film, very frightening. All I got was a bit of a laugh! Gosh, the last 'chopping' sceen, I almost wet my pants! Well worth a watch for comic relief value.


Kellee June 15, 2009 at 8:38 AM  

I know!!! I had it built up so much in my mind that I was terrified beforehand, and I laughed and laughed the whole time. Perhaps a disturbing sign of the times...desensitised much???


About This Blog

I travel. I travel a lot really. I want to see and experience it all. Everything I do and most thoughts I have is geared towards my next trip. I live in Geelong, a nice little town on the fringe of the surf coast in Victoria, Australia and I make the daily commute to Melbourne for work. All my of my bestest, most loved friends live interstate and overseas, so this blog is just another way of interacting and making this world feel smaller and ultimately closer to my mates.

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