Saturday, June 13, 2009

# 13. Climb The Sydney Harbour Bridge

I did it! Kellee and I planned this years ago and to this very day I can't remember why we didn't do it when I lived in Sydney. Perhaps it was the lack of time. It was a very busy last couple of months I remember. Tidying up loose ends in my job, organising moving to London, finding someone to move into my flat, general stuff like that!

It was so awesome (my word of the month). I highly recommend it to everyone. Also, take the gloves. They look cumbersome, but you will regret leaving them behind when you're up the top. Just a suggestion. I'm far from being in top fitness so I went in expecting to be puffing away, taking my time and to be sore for days. Joy! Joy joy joy! I'm not aerobically harmed in any way! So please don't let the thought of an over-exertion stop you. Vertigo will though. If you're in the slightest bit afraid of heights, don't part with you money. For me, watching the sun rise over the city on top of the bridge was well worth the (extremely) early morning.


Kellee June 14, 2009 at 11:01 AM  

Woohoo!!She's back online. Had a great weekend Sar :)


About This Blog

I travel. I travel a lot really. I want to see and experience it all. Everything I do and most thoughts I have is geared towards my next trip. I live in Geelong, a nice little town on the fringe of the surf coast in Victoria, Australia and I make the daily commute to Melbourne for work. All my of my bestest, most loved friends live interstate and overseas, so this blog is just another way of interacting and making this world feel smaller and ultimately closer to my mates.

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