Monday, January 5, 2009

101 in 1001

Starting January 6, 2009
To be completed by October 4, 2011 (33 months)

Completed: bold

In progress in: italics

Let’s go outside…

1. Do a Scuba Diving Course
2. Dive with Great White Sharks
3. Swim 50 laps of a 25m pool without stopping
4. Run 10km without stopping
5. Cycle at least 10km without stopping
6. Do a triathlon (500m swim, 10km Cycle, 5km run)
7. Cycle down to Torquay and back
8. Snowboard
9. Skydive
10. Go Zorbing
11. Go Camping 12 times [0/12]
12. Go Hiking 6 times [0/6]
13. Climb the Sydney Harbour Bridge [5/6/09 completed]
14. Be a tourist in Geelong, Torquay, Jan Juc, Bells, Winky Pop, Otways, Johanna Red, Johanna Blue, Deans March, Lorne, Dandenongs, Melbourne city
15. Be a tourist in Sydney (because I am one now!) [5-9/6/09 completed]
16. Walk to Georgia and Adam’s house once a month [0/33]
17. Go to WA and dive with Whale sharks again
18. Go to Cairns and dive the barrier reef
19. Learn to surf

Things to buy…

20. A bicycle
21. Upgrade computer
22. An external hard drive for backup [30/01/09 completed]
23. A new camera

24. Melbourne Bar cards [15/01/09 completed]
25. An address and phone book and keep it updated [16/3/09]
26. Knickers and bra every month [4/33]
27. A new mobile phone
28. A deck chair for backyard sun lounging
29. An umbrella to go with said deckchair
30. Stockings and suspenders…oooh la la
31. A beautiful pair of Jimmy Choo’s
32. A CD every month [4/33]
33. A coffee plunger to have at work instead of buying coffee
34. Get a cork board and have pictures up in my room
35. Shelves or something for my room preferably second hand [16/5/09]

For my Sanity, and my Bank balance…

35. DO NOT buy anything I don’t need (above mentioned excluded)
36. Open a savings account: set up two bank accounts with payroll [10/2/09]

Anything Travel Related…

37. Drive to Alice Springs
38. Drive to Adelaide for a Barossa weekend
39. Drive to the Blue Mountains
40. Visit Ally & Andrew in Nowra
41. Visit Kellee in Sydney [5-9/6/09]
42. Work out where I want to go on my next Round the World trip
43. Go to New Zealand (South Island) and as many trips to Auckland as I can

Pretty Pictures…

44. Fix Europe Photos 1st trip [11/01/09 completed] and make back ups of all photos [8/4/09]
45. Frame a photo from every country I’ve been to
46. Frame maps of Australia and pictures from Mexico and Paris
47. Have a photo of my nephew and niece(s) at my desk [24/3/09]

Working the Brain muscle…

48. Take a photography course
49. Learn Spanish
50. Read the Times top 100 books [0/100]

The Blog…

51. Blog monthly and when completed items
52. Save $10 for each completed task towards some fabulous shoes [14/101]

For the Body…

53. Lose weight, fit into size 10
54. Pedicure every 2 month [1/16]
55. Massage/Spa day every 6 months [0/5]
56. Moisturise everyday
57. Do at least one class at gym a week
58. Get my teeth whitened
59. Go to the dentist every 6 months [0/5]
60. Greasy food only once a month
61. Try not to drink beer and wine (even though it tastes so good)
62. Do a Detox
63. Have moles removed
64. Drink 8 glasses of water a day [2/1001]
65. Go to the hairdressers every 6 weeks [3/23]
66. Get waxed every month by someone else (I'm sick of doing it myself) [2/33]
67. Have a manicure every 3 months [0/33]
68. Learn 5 ways to do my hair
69. Exfoliate properly once a week [10/143]

For the Soul…

70. Give away all the stuff I don’t use
71. Volunteer my time at something [30/4/09]
72. Get a plant and don’t kill it, maybe a flower at work

Just for fun…

73. Have 3 dinner parties and cook a 3 course meal [0/3]
74. Go to all bars on the bar cards [11/52]
75. Go to all restaurants on the restaurant cards [0/52]
76. Go speed dating
77. Go to a singles night [23/4/09]
78. Eat Emu and Kangaroo
79. Go to a comedy show at the Melbourne comedy festival
80. Go to a film at the Melbourne film festival
81. Go to a twilight movie at the Melbourne botanical gardens
82. Make a cake or biscuits for the household weekly
83. Cook dinner at home for everyone weekly
84. Organise the bookshelf by genre and author [11/01/09 completed]
85. Go to a musical every 6 months [1/5]
86. Go to salsa classes or just dance classes
87. Go to at least 1 concert/gig every 3 months [3/11]

  • The Streets [10/02/09]
  • Grape Grazing [14/02/09] CANCELLED, should be rescheduled in April/May
  • Basement Jaxx [04/03/09]
  • Cold Play [05/03/09]

88. Give to birthday cards to my brothers and sisters [4/6]
89. Write to Michelle Kassel every 3 months

In front of the teev…

90. Watch every episode of Sex and the City [66/94]
91. Watch every episode of Friends [5/236]
92. Watch every episode of Pretender
93. Watch 10 classic movies [3/10]

  • Casablanca [14/6/09]
  • Night of the Living Dead
  • Citizen Kane
  • Soylent Green
  • Requiem for a Dream [13/6/09]
  • Trainspotting
  • Debbie Does Dallas
  • The Sting
  • Deep Throat
  • Psycho [14/6/09]

94. Watch a maximum of 1 hour of TV a night or 1 movie

The mundane…

95. Unpack all my stuff in the garage
96. Organise my wardrobe better [16/5/09]
97. Get up when my alarm goes off, no snoozing
100. Stick to my daily morning routine
101. File my paperwork and create a new folder for 2009


Kellee January 6, 2009 at 8:12 AM  

YAY!!!!!! I'm soooo excited you're doing this with me :) Love the list (& the reciprocal visiting me part). We have to climb the bridge together since we were supposed to do it like 3 years ago. Let me know when you want to watch SATC & friends & I'll ship you the box sets :) I have tears in my eyes I'm so pumped!!!!

Sarah January 6, 2009 at 8:39 AM  

oh yeah, we are defo going to do the bridge climb together. I mean we agreeded on it so long ago!!!!! This thing is like...addictive... S xx

Caffeinated Weka January 6, 2009 at 10:00 AM  

Congratulations on writing your list and starting this project, Sarah. I hope you enjoy achieving your goals and working towards success. Keep us posted!


About This Blog

I travel. I travel a lot really. I want to see and experience it all. Everything I do and most thoughts I have is geared towards my next trip. I live in Geelong, a nice little town on the fringe of the surf coast in Victoria, Australia and I make the daily commute to Melbourne for work. All my of my bestest, most loved friends live interstate and overseas, so this blog is just another way of interacting and making this world feel smaller and ultimately closer to my mates.

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